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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Germ Killing Robot Could Help Fight Diseases 11/21/14

Germ Killing Robot Could Help Fight Diseases

  • A new robot has been created that can fight off deadly viruses, like Ebola, in hospitals and health care facilities.
  • The robot is a little over five feet tall and is nicknamed "Saul". 
  • Saul uses pulses of high-intensity, high-energy ultraviolet rays to split open bacterial cell walls and kill dangerous pathogens.
  • Surgical teams in U.S. Air Force Hospitals were recently trained on how to use the robot. 
  • Hospitals that have used this have been able to bring infection rates down by 60 percent. 
  • The robot is 99.9 percent effective and can completely kill a virus within five minutes.

Check out the article.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Web 2.0: Wiki Research

  1. How can a wiki be used in a current class on your schedule (not this course)? Pick a class and be specific how the class could create and use a Wiki on a regular basis (tip: Use the Internet, here is a good source).
           A wiki can be used for many different classes.  One class that I would be able to use it for is English.  In English we are constantly reading books, reviewing books, and discussing opinions on the books.  We could create a wiki and this would allow every student in class to give their opinion and write what they want to.  This would enable the more timid students in the class to comment and actually become part of the conversation. We could assign a different person every day to create the wiki.
      2.  What are the benefits of using a wiki in class?
           There are many benefits to using a wiki in class.  Students that do not normally participate in class will have a chance to state their opinion.  It also allows the students to go back and look at the different opinions and facts on and about the book.  

       3.  How can we create a wiki in this class, what would be contribute to it and how would be utilize it                on an on-going basis?
            In this class we could create a wiki about wikis (wikiception).  We could continuously add our thoughts and opinions on wikis while also discussing how to better use wikis.  One student could make the wiki and every day the students could get on and discuss. 

       4.  What experience do you have using or creating wikis?
             I have created wikis in history before for different projects that we have done.  I have also looked at wikis when I'm having trouble understanding topics or just need to know certain information.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Virtual Reality Can Help Treat Sex Offenders 11/14/14

Virtual Reality Can Help Treat Sex Offenders

(Virtual Reality is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way.)
  • Virtual reality systems are now being used to help treat and understand the impulses of sex offenders. 
  • The researchers record the sex offenders responses to what they are seeing and hearing in the virtual reality world. 
  • The headsets track eye movements and record how long the sex offender was looking at the image. 
  • They also measured participants sexual arousal through penile plethysmography (PPG), which measures the flow of blood to the penis.
  • Participants are shown different images in different environments, with different levels of nudity. 
  • This treatment helps us learn more about the behavior of sex offenders and helps use create more ways to treat them. 
  • Virtual reality is also used to treat many other illnesses (anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and substance abuse). 
  • Virtual reality can cause cybersickness that include the symptoms eye strain, headache, nausea, sweating, disorientation, and vertigo.
(Virtual reality is not the only type of technology being used to help treat and stop sex offenders.)

Check out the article.

More related videos:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Weekend

My Weekend

      Over the long weekend I spent time with friends, babysat , and spent my free time reading.  I hung out with a few of my friends over the long weekend and we had a great time just talking and bonding.  On the Friday we had off I babysat a family friend's kids. They were a little (and by a little I mean very) hyper, but by the end of the day I could handle them.  During our extended weekend I also spent a lot of time reading.  I love to read and was able to finish two books along with reading some digital stories.  I had a great time relaxing over the extended weekend.

How to make friends (just in case you didn't know how)