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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Social Bookmarking Project

1.  What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?

Other ways you can organize things on the computer is by using sites like Digg reader or just adding the websites to your favorites or bookmarks.  Digg reader will allow you add certain website under a certain topic/folder. 

2.  What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?

I learned a lot about storing different information on my computer.  You can use different bookmarking websites like Digg reader(RSS feed) or Diigo to help you organize different websites that you might need to reference later.  It is more effective than just bookmarking websites on your computer because it actually help you organize the websites.  I honestly didn't even know websites like Digg reader and Diigo existed before this class.  

3.  What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?

Other social bookmarking websites are Digg reader, Delicious, Evernote, and (the period is suppose to be there). 

4.  Will you continue to use social bookmarking?   

I will most likely continue to use social bookmarking.  It makes it much easier to organize different websites that I need to reference at a later date.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5th Blog Posting

Holiday Break

     Over the holiday break I did a lot of reading and seeing friends and family.  I started the Uglies series by Scott Westerfield towards the end of break.  I also did a lot of shopping over the long vacation with the money I got from my birthday and Christmas.  My birthday is on December 23rd, so I celebrated my birthday with many relatives and good friends.  Over break I also got the chance to see some movies that I really wanted to watch and just relax and take my mind off work and school.  I finally got the chance to see Mockingjay Part 1 with my friend (Tara).  I enjoyed the days of break when I wasn't celebrating and just reading, shopping, or doing whatever I felt like.
     Over the break I celebrated the holidays with my family.  I helped cook the different meals that we had on Christmas.  For Christmas I mostly just got money because that's all I really asked for.  I enjoyed getting to see my family and hang out with them for Christmas.  On New Years Eve I also saw family and we enjoyed watching the ball in Times Square drop.  I really enjoyed my holiday break with friends and family. 


Monday, December 15, 2014

Web 2.0: Do now 12/15

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." ~Mahatma Gandhi 

     There are many things that ignite my passion of helping people and making the world a better place.  For example, whenever I see a group of people or and individual suffering I just feel this need to help.  What's the point of being privileged if you don't use some of that opportunity to help those less fortunate than you?  I always give money to the homeless person on the street and donate to different organizations.  Some people don't realize how much these little things can greatly impact the people and world around them.  I aim to do more then just help individuals. 
     I want to not only help individual people, but help society as a whole.  If everyone were to work together so many major issues would be closer to becoming solved.  I always donate to different cancer organizations because that is an issue that's close to my heart.  Different family members and friends of mine have gotten cancer.  It is events like that in my life that push be to be a better person, make a change, and never take good health for granted.            

Friday, December 12, 2014

Blog-Post Assessment

Academia Barilla

     Academia Barilla is one of my favorite restaurants.  They serve a wide variety of Italian foods that taste delicious.  The Academia Barilla restaurant that I always go to is located in New York City. My favorite dishes from the restaurant have to be one of their pastas.  There pesto pasta is the perfect mix of pesto and pasta.  The pasta not only tastes amazing, but looks great on the plate before you eat it too! Their pizzas and panini are also so delectable.  They taste as if my Italian grandmother made them.  I would recommend this restaurant for anyone who likes Italian food.  You can check out some of the items on their menu.
     Academia Barilla is a chain restaurant owned by the Barilla company.  Most would probably recognize the Barilla company as their brand of pasta.  In 1877 is when Pietro Barilla opened up his first Barilla store and in 1910 that small store becomes a factory.  It was between 1947 and 1979 that Barilla became a popular brand.  The restaurant only uses fresh ingredients and even has a fresh herb garden on one wall of the restaurant.  Every week they replace the old herbs with new herbs.  The food is simple and you can look at the recipe on their website.  This is one of my favorite restaurants because they use all fresh ingredients and the food is delicious.  I also like the location of the restaurant.  I love going to New York City and go to this restaurant whenever I get the chance.
      I don't know exactly where I would go if Academia Barilla closed.  I think it is a great Italian restaurant and has amazing food. You can can even look at the reviews people left on the restaurant.  My other favorite kind of food is sushi, so I would most likely start going to one of my favorite sushi restaurants.  I was actually first went to this restaurant on a field trip for my Italian class.  I'm glad that I found out about Academia Barilla.    

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

RSS Assignment 12-8-14

1.  Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
      I selected these sites to subscribe to because they met the requirements and I also found them interesting.  Most, if not all, of the RSS feeds I picked were on a topic that I personally found intriguing.

2.  Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
      It was extremely easy to find the feeds and subscribe to them.  It only took me about 15-20 minutes to find the feeds for 15 websites.

3.  Which sites were your favorites?
      The sites that are my favorite are the ones in the hobbies folder.  I also like some of the ones in my news folder as well.

4.  What else can you use RSS feeds for?
      You could use RSS feeds for many things.  You could use the constant stream of articles to help you on an essay or research paper.  You can also keep track of topics that are important to you.

5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
    I will most likely continue to use RSS feeds.  They help me kept track of information about a certain topic or event going on.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gecko Inspired Adhesive 12-5-14

Gecko Inspired Adhesive

  • Researchers at Stanford have invented a gecko-inspired climbing system.
  • The device consists of two hand-sized sticky-pads and foot platforms that are attached by cables.
  • Thousands of microscopic wedges made of silicone are placed onto panels roughly the size of postage stamps that are then positioned on hand-sized plates and connected to springs, ensuring even weight distribution.
  • The hand plates are attached by cables to platforms for a person’s feet, which in turn shift most of the weight to the legs.
  • Most of the weight is put on the legs so that it is easier for the climber to actually climb.  
  • The hand-pads themselves aren’t sticky to the touch. 
  • The researchers also believe the new “controllable adhesive” may serve another purpose: ­ridding the galaxy of space-junk.

Learn more about this amazing adhesive here.